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Search engines are a discovery tool, meaning that many of these website visitors are discovering your website for the first time. As more and more people discover your website from search engines, you’ll see each other traffic channel (email, social media, etc.) increase as well. In other words, as this part of your pie gets bigger, the rest of your pie will get bigger as well.

Search engines look at 3 primary factors when trying to understand all of the websites in their index: authority, relevancy, and crawlability. We’ll skip crawlability to keep things simple. Crawlability gets more into the technical side of SEO, and ain’t nobody got time for that.

Google looks at the other websites that link back to you as the strongest signal that your website is trustworthy. Google looks at how many backlinks you have and how trustworthy these websites are.

Yes, we know that all of those SEOstoreplus deals offering you 50 backlinks for $5 Instead, focus on creating exceptional content and run link building campaigns focused on getting relevant bloggers to link to your content.

Start by identifying the words and phrases that your customers are searching for online, and update your website copy to better reflect those words and phrases. If you sell pizzas, make it easy for Google to understand that your website is about pizza. For more advanced SEO, try working with any of the following keyword research tools to identify the greatest keyword targets for your business: Ahrefs (paid), SEMRush (paid), Google’s Keyword Planner (free), and Moz (paid).

The easiest way to test this is to go to Google and type in “site:[mydomain.com]” and see if your website pops up. For example, to check if Intergrowth was indexed, I would type “site:inter-growth.co” into search engines.Google Site Search Example If your website doesn’t pop up after doing this search, then your site isn’t on Google right now. To fix this, add your website to Search Console and submit your sitemap after verifying your site.

Our best advice here would be to talk to an SEO expert to get their opinion. That being said, a good general rule of thumb is to check your website’s domain authority using the Moz toolbar. In most cases, if your site’s authority is less than 40, you should focus on the Authority side of SEO (i.e. getting more reputable websites to link to you). If your site’s authority is greater than 70, focus on the Relevancy side of SEO (setting up a proper SEO foundation). If your website doesn’t pop up after doing this search, then your site isn’t on Google right now. To fix this, add your website to Search Console and submit your sitemap after verifying your site.

SEO is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher on the search engines. But how does SEO work? Google uses over 200 ranking factors, and these allow the search engine’s algorithms to rank websites based upon the relevancy and authority of their pages If your website doesn’t pop up after doing this search, then your site isn’t on Google right now. To fix this, add your website to Search Console and submit your sitemap after verifying your site.

Google updates their search algorithm every day to provide a better experience for searchers. Part of these updates consists of penalizing websites that go against Google’s rules. There are two major algorithm penalties that could be hurting your search rankings: Panda and Penguin. If your website doesn’t pop up after doing this search, then your site isn’t on Google right now. To fix this, add your website to Search Console and submit your sitemap after verifying your site.


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